Sunday, September 30, 2007

RadioHead's New Album.....You pay what you want

Apparently, Radiohead has a new album coming out on October 10. News to me, but I'm stoked. I've been a fan for a while now, and I'm excited to see what new sounds they have come up with. The big news though, is that the album, entitled In Rainbows, will be available for pre-order only through their website (click title above for link). And whether you choose the download or CD copy, and add it to your shopping cart, the cart asks YOU what you want to pay! That's right, you can pay whatever you think it's worth, or you pay what you can afford. You can pay nothing, if thats what you want. Personally, I love this idea, and I hope it pans out for them. And if it does, I hope other record labels adopt this business model. No RIAA, no iTunes DRM, just pay what you feel is right. Now, this might not work for smaller names, but who knows? Either way, we'll see how it goes.