Saturday, September 8, 2007

Second Life

I must have been living in a hole since 2003, because up until this point I knew very little about the online virtual world Second Life. Of course I had heard about it, rumblings on the news and some quips on The Daily Show, but I never really researched it. Well, technically, I still haven't. Short of skimming the Wikipedia page on Second Life, I still don't know much about it. Instead of reading through FAQs and numerous forums, I have decided to create a free Second Life account, and dive right in. So I created my 'avitar,' my virtual identity named Alexx Tomorrow (a lot of names have been taken already). After giving them my real name and email address, my account was created. Now all I need to do is wait for my confirmation email, and then I can begin my journey into Second life. I will update you once I actually get into the program.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

First Post

So this is just an introduction for those of you who don't know me. Well, an introduction with little or no personal information about me, that is. Gotta keep all those crazy stalkers away, you know (that's assuming anyone would be interested in stalking me. Doubtful). At any rate, my name is Christian, and I live in Chicago (vague enough for you?) where I work as an IT specialist while going to college. I will be graduating next May, and will be launched into the real world whether I like it or not. So for some reason, I have decided to create my (obviously) first blog. Yes, I'm using a terrible template, but just as I hope to change and grow while writing this blog, I hope that my html skills will also grow and change. We'll see.

What is this blog about? Well, as the title suggests, it will be about anything and everything, pretty much whatever I damn well please. I am a bit of a gadget freak, so I will probably talk a lot about technology's past, present and future. Did I scare you away yet? Well, I also plan to talk about current news and events, as well as some TV, video game and movie reviews. And I suppose I will throw in some anecdotes about my life and experiences. And hey, if anyone wants me to talk about something specific, let me know, and I'll think about it. But no promises.